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News Piece - Titanic: Trial and Tragedy


Katelyn, Sarina, Noah and I focused on the fall play Titanic: Trial and Tragedy for our news piece. We focused specifically on progress made regarding the set, acting, and casting. To start, we began by drafting a plan of what our guiding idea would be. We wanted a clear idea of what our news story would cover, because there are a lot of directions to go when doing a news story of this type. We wrote down ideas regarding what direction our news story would take, seen above, putting emphasis on the vision that Jim and Paul have and progress made so far. We also drafted several other ideas that didn't make it into he final cut, such as the idea of interviewing Claire Paxson, a new stage manager, asking her about her experiences and first impressions, and Matt Pickarski, costume designer. We also had the idea of interviewing Olivia Saunders, assistant director, but there simply wasn't enough time, and our news piece had to be under two minutes. We interviewed Jim Raposa, who directs the play, Paul Molinelli, who designs and manages the creation of the stage, and Casey Mara, lighting technician and is the Production Stage Manager.


We interviewed Jim in the Riley Center lobby. The composition of the shot was good. He sat at one of the high tables, with the posters of previous productions at BBA in the background. The shot was good, unfortunately, there was a bright reflection in the poster. Jim talked about everything we wanted him to. He talked about progress made by the cast and crew, his vision for the finished product, and how he and Paul interact. I worked the camera, and Katelyn asked the questions. Katelyn had a specific idea in mind for how she wanted the interview to go, we all did, so she tailored the questions to suit the idea she had in mind.


We interviewed Paul in his classroom, in the basement of the Seminary Building. He sat at one of his tables, and the composition of the shot was good. Paul gave us some good material to work with. He talked about his vision for the set, which he is in charge of. He talked about progress made so far, and he talked about how he and Jim interact. I had to leave early, so I missed the actual interview, but I was there for the setup. We interviewed Casey in the dance studio. The lighting was hard to get right, and the audio was difficult to get right, but we made it work. She talked about progress made by the tech crew. In the end, we cut her out of our news piece. It was too long, and what she talked about, while it was good, was the least relevant to our topic. In the editing process, we all put our opinions in on what should be cut. I stayed after school on Friday to tighten up our piece. This project was a fun introduction to creating a news piece, and it is something I want to do more of. 


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